Employee wellbeing: holistic health in the workplace

Why choose a holistic approach to promote wellbeing in the workplace?

In the modern workplace, it is crucial to pay attention to the holistic health of employees. But what does holistic health actually mean? It is an integrative approach to wellbeing that takes into account not only physical but also mental, emotional, and social aspects of health.

Holistic health at work is not a luxury, but a necessity. By investing in the wellbeing of employees, organizations benefit from a healthier, more productive, and more engaged workforce. Let’s work together towards a healthy workplace where everyone can thrive.

Increased Productivity
When employees feel good in their body and mind, they are more productive. A holistic approach helps reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall work performance. Investing in wellbeing leads to lower absenteeism and greater engagement.

Improved Work Relationships
A holistic approach fosters a positive company culture. When employees feel supported and valued, strong bonds are formed. This results in better collaboration, creativity, and a sense of community in the workplace.

Reduced Risk of Stress and Burnout
Stress and burnout are common issues in today’s work environment. Through holistic health initiatives, such as mindfulness training, yoga sessions, or coaching, employers can help employees better cope with stressors. This leads to a healthier and more resilient workforce.

Healthy Lifestyle
Holistic health encourages a healthy lifestyle. This can range from good nutrition and sufficient exercise to promoting a healthy work-life balance. Employees who lead healthy lives feel better and are less likely to fall sick.

Innovation and Creativity
Good mental and emotional health stimulates creativity and innovation. When employees feel free and supported, they are more likely to share new ideas and find innovative solutions to problems.

Sustainable Work Relationships
By investing in holistic health, companies build long-lasting relationships with their employees. This not only leads to higher employee satisfaction but also strengthens the employer brand, making it easier to attract talent.

This is how we create a healthier workplace together for your organization.

Workshops: diet and lifestyle

It's not just about what you eat, but also how you eat, at what times of the day, and how you combine different foods. Good digestion is essential for a strong immune system and vitality. Sandwiches and salads are side dishes, but they do not constitute a complete meal. I would love to collaborate with you by taking a peek in your cafeteria to offer advise truly healthy meals to add to the menu. Introduce your employees to the holistic way of eating to say goodbye to bloating, acid reflux, and that heavy feeling after lunch for good. Those afternoon slumps at 4 PM and cravings for cookies will also be a thing of the past.

Reiki at the office

We all know how this goes… Stressful moments before or after important meetings or presentations. Sweaty palms and heart palpitations… Moments of tension trigger our nervous system and cause energetic blockages that lead to anxiety, worry, and restlessness. Short Reiki healing sessions of 15 or 30 minutes can help your employees relax by allowing life energy (ki, chi, or prana) to flow optimally through their chakras again. The best part is that you can receive Reiki from your office chair or on a yoga mat in a meeting room or quiet space. Your colleagues remain fully clothed, and no manipulation occurs, as in a massage. It’s a very accessible approach!

Workshops: breathwork

In our busy and hectic work environment, we often forget one of the most important elements for our health: proper breathing. The way we breathe has a direct impact on our wellbeing, energy levels, and productivity. Effective breathing can reduce stress, improve concentration, and help us better cope with challenges in the workplace. Good breathing is the foundation for optimal digestion, a relaxed feeling throughout the workday, and good energy levels. Slumps, brain fog, and a general sense of fatigue in the office are often the result of shallow breathing. I teach your employees techniques for correct breathing and simple, accessible exercises they can do from their office chairs and at their desks to stay vital.

Movement: yoga

Prolonged sitting can lead to various health issues, such as back pain and muscle tension. Yoga helps stretch and strengthen the muscles, improves posture, and reduces physical complaints. Regular yoga sessions can contribute to better overall physical health for employees. A short yoga session can provide an energy boost, especially during an afternoon slump. Employees who practice yoga often experience increased energy and a heightened sense of vitality, allowing them to focus better on their tasks. Yoga also has positive effects on mental health, including reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. By promoting strong mental health, companies can support the wellbeing of their employees and create a positive work environment.

What clients say about me

Get in touch with me

Would you like to meet over a cup of chai to discuss holistic health and well-being in the workplace for your organization? If so, please contact me by filling out the contact form below, so we can discuss your needs.